One Final Step By Stephanie Doyle
Michael Langdon did not have the most auspicious start in life. Growing up on Detroit's infamous 8 Mile, Michael used cars to escape the reality around him. After serving time for theft, he once again used cars to escape reality, and forget the horrors behind him. From car thief to racing legend didn't seem too far of a jump, but now he needs another image make-over: to mechanical innovator and corporate poster boy. An old friend sends him the best publicist in the business, now all Michael has to do is convince her to take a chance on him...and not let her get too close to the truth.
Madeline Kane is a King Maker. Once a highly respected member of the political scene, she let one moment of weakness get the better of her judgement, and it destroyed everything. Now, seven years later, she has been called back in to service by her employer as a favor to an old friend. but can she work with such a high profile man without getting sucked back into the nightmares of the past?
This story surprised me by how captivating it was. Both characters suffer from serious PTSD from their experiences, but what really got me was the heart break that occurs when one of them manages to pull out of it and realizes that they can't "fix" the other one. To love someone so much and not be able to help them hurts, but then to know that they won't even try to help themselves is just killer.
His dark secret was a shocker; her dark secret was not so much a secret but a confession. Either way, both of these characters are deserving of pity, and neither want it. He doesn't want people to know about it, and she doesn't want people to even remember she exists.
My favorite part in this book was actually the sub-plot involving Ben and Anna, Madeline's boss and his assistant. Their issue helps to mellow Madeline out and put her life into perspective, but it also gives us a glimpse at the next book.
Overall, it's surprisingly and fun and sexy read. The subject matter should keep it from being sexy, but it really doesn't. In fact, it brings a larger intensity to it all. Warning on the language, though. He grew up on 8 Mile and spent time in prison. Expect cursing.
(1=unacceptable, 2=poor, 3=acceptable, 4=good, 5=excellent)
Continuity/Flow – 5
Sex – 5
Language – 3
Storyline – 5
Overall – 5
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