Beauty's Kiss By Jane Porter
Taylor Harris loves her job as Marietta's new librarian. While not everyone in town has been supportive, she has some great ideas. And just when she thinks she can finally focus on her life and doing what is best for her brother, in walks distraction in the form of Marietta's Most Eligible Bachelor...Troy Sheenan.
Troy has sunk everything into the Graff Hotel renovation. It's not only part of the town's history, it is part of his as well. He needs it to be successful. That means he will accept his friend Jane's idea of setting him up with her best friend as a date to the Great Wedding Giveaway 100th Anniversary Ball. But when he finds out that Taylor doesn't want anything to do with him, he is intrigued. He is used to being chased, not doing the chasing. Yet that is exactly what he finds himself doing with this pretty little Book Girl.
Taylor is every "book girl" personified. She is what we all want to be: someone who turned her love for books into a profession. Her life is not perfect, however. Her brother is extremely needy and misunderstood. Her ideas are constantly shot down by closed-minded citizens who don't welcome "outsiders". And she has been told that she looks too young to be taken seriously. I think every smart girl on the planet can relate to the frustration of not being taken seriously.
Troy has more ghosts than a grave yard. And he gains another one during this book. The poor guy is shouldering a lot by himself, despite having a large family. Yet, he remains optimistic, charming and, overall, a genuinely nice guy. By the end it's nice to see him get some support. He is also a computer nerd. REALLY! He is a genuine, HUNKY computer nerd!
Ok, I'll put my rants first. I would like to have learned more about Taylor's past. It is mentioned, but never really delved into. Also, the end seemed a bit too rushed. While I am not a huge fan of excessive sex scenes, I would not have complained about a bit more sex in this book.
Now for the raves. I loved the way Porter dealt with Doug, Taylor's brother. His issues (mood disorder) are common, yet too often seen as cop-outs instead of genuine struggles. It was so refreshing to see them dealt with compassionately, but also recognizing that not everyone will be as understanding.
Overall, this was a thoughtful story that will have you falling in love with the characters and wanting to see them succeed.
(1=unacceptable, 2=poor, 3=acceptable, 4=good, 5=excellent)
Continuity/Flow – 4
Sex – 2
Language – 5
Storyline – 5
Overall – 4
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