Unraveled by the Rebel By Michelle Willingham
Juliette Andrews has been living what many women of her class would deem the a nightmare. With the knowledge of her ruination at the hands of a monster and the nightmares it still provokes, she has declared that she shall never marry, especially not the man she has loved for years and is now unworthy of.
Dr. Paul Fraser has been fighting against the tyranny of the Earl of Strathland since the day the Earl killed his father for a crime Paul had been accused of. After years away from home studying and helping the rebellion with its medical needs, Paul returns to woo the woman he left behind, but never forgot. Not understanding her dismissal of him, he is determined to win back Juliette's trust and affection, even if it means agreeing to marriage in name only.
The second book in the Secrets In Silk series, this one is a LOT more emotional than the first. Juliette has to deal with a truly horrifying experience. Unfortunately, that experience brought with it consequences both physical and psychological. No one in her family, save her aunt and uncle, are aware of this experience, and they aren't even aware of all of the details. She has kept it bottled up inside her until she is almost completely dead inside.
Paul is haunted by his own demons, as well. The death of his father has left him hungering for vengeance to a point where he is willing to turn his back on everything if it means eliminating the Earl from existence. There are some other qualities that add depth to Paul. He is honorable and loyal. His love for Juliette is strong and unyielding. When she finally agrees to a marriage in name only, he knows that he will never touch any woman but her...therefore, none at all. He is also humble enough to know that his position in society as a doctor is not enough to recommend him as husband material, so he decides to use his uncle's legacy for the first time since it was offered to him many years ago.
Again the cast of supporting characters are wonderful. Lively and memorable. The villain is even more evil than before, and a few more characters pop up to add flavor to an already delicious world.
Overall, this is a great book. I read it quickly, as I couldn't put it down, and loved every minute of it. Not for the faint of heart as it deals with some highly disturbing situations, but the end is very satisfying.
(1=unacceptable, 2=poor, 3=acceptable, 4=good, 5=excellent)
Continuity/Flow – 5
Sex – 5
Language – 4
Storyline – 5
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