Game of Brides by Megan Crane
Emmy Mathis is over her childhood crush. Isn't she? Ten years after he left her naked a crying in his grandmother's barn, has completely moved on. She graduated from college and got a job as a copywriter in an ad agency in Atlanta, so her life is moving right along. Except it's not. Not really. Now, she has been forced by her hateful boss to take a leave of absence to help with her sister's wedding in Montana, and who should pick her up from the airport?
Griffin Hyatt is the epitome of being successful at something you love. His passion for art and extreme sports segued into a highly celebrated athletic wear company. If only his personal life was as successful as his business. After being betrayed by the two people who mattered to him the most, he has been licking his wounds in Montana and finding himself stuck in a rut. But after seeing Emmy for the first time in ten years, he suddenly realized that the annoying little girl trailing after him all of those years ago has become woman...and what a woman. Is it possible that she was the one for him all along?
It was definitely a change of pace to find a character like Griffin in this series. Up until this point I have been used to cowboys, or at the very least country boys. While Griffin is not purely a "street-wise" city boy, he is more that than a country boy. At first I was prepared to not like him, but he grew on me. He was unapologetic about his actions, but he admitted that he might have been less than cavalier in his technique.
Reading Emmy's story is great because many people (men and women) feel the same way as she does. Feeling like you need the create a controlled environment to prevent yourself from acting foolishly or getting hurt, but then you end up hating your life and can't find a way out.
The supporting characters are actually not terribly likable on their own. It is only through the eyes of the main characters that you see them are people who are real and very much loved. Margery is especially this way. She may come off as a prime diva, but Emmy still loves her and would do anything for her, even risk her job.
Overall, this story definitely pulls you out of the box and makes you look at the world around you. Not everything is as cut and dry, or final, as we think it is. Bravo!
(1=unacceptable, 2=poor, 3=acceptable, 4=good, 5=excellent)
Continuity/Flow – 5
Sex – 5
Language – 3
Storyline – 5
Overall – 5
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