Three Weeks With Lady X By Eloisa James
Lady Xenobia India St Clair was raised in an atmosphere of chaos. As the daughter of the "Mad Marquess", she knows that she did not live the life of lady by society's standards, yet she is still beholden to them now. In order to make her way in life, and not be forced into a marriage of convenience, she earns her dowry arranging the households of the elite, struggling the whole time to keep her reputation as white as the driven snow.
Mr. Tobias Dautry, known by society as Thorn, was rescued from the life of a mudlark by his father, the Duke of Villiers. He was raised as a recognized and beloved son, despite society being well aware of what he was...a bastard. Despite his instincts to thumb his nose at society, he desires that his children be accepted, so he sets his sights on a society marriage. Can Lady Xenobia create the perfect background to disguise his beginnings?
Though this book is listed as the seventh book in the Desperate Duchesses series, it is really the first in a continuation series. Eloisa James has already announced the title (Four Nights with the Duke) and release date (December 31, 2014) for the next book, which will feature Thorn's friend Vander.
I think this book was far and away her best writing. Dealing with abandonment issues, society's unfair strictures, the dangers/ills of gossip, and many other sticky Period (and timeless) setbacks, James handled the story like a pro.
Though she took creative license on many historical facts (which she confesses to at the end of the book), I really enjoyed the many technological tidbits she threw at readers. I highly recommend reading the Notes section at the end of all of her books. She explains interesting facts about some of the events or information placed in her books.
Overall, the characters are easy to relate to, the "villain" is easy to despise, the emotions are high without being melodramatic, and story does not feel like it lags or rushes at any point.
(1=unacceptable, 2=poor, 3=acceptable, 4=good, 5=excellent)
Continuity/Flow – 5
Sex – 3
Language – 2 *Mr. Dautry has a POTTY MOUTH!!!
Storyline – 5
Historical Accuracy – 3
Overall – 5
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